Thursday, January 26, 2012

Beauty Skin Care Hair Care Using Amla Aanwla (Indian Gooseberry) : Emblica officinalis :amlaki

Beauty Skin Care Hair Care Using Amla Aanwla (Indian Gooseberry) : Emblica officinalis :amlaki

Its Biological name is Emblica officinalis
amlaki is the name in Sanskrit language

Benefits of Amla
Amla prevent aging and promote longevity
Amla is believed to rejuvenate all the organ systems of the body
Amla provide strength and wellness.
It is the most abundant source of Vitamin C containing as much as 20 times that of an orange.
It also helps us to keep away from all the diseases by boosting our immune system.
Amla has antioxidant, anti-bacterial properties.

Amla in Natural beauty Care of Hair

Amla is very effective hair tonic in traditional recipes for enriching hair growth and pigmentation. Cut Amla fruit into pieces and dry it preferably in the shade.

Then these pieces are boiled in coconut oil till solid matter Burn become Darkish.This darkish oil is excellent in preventing graying Hair.

Hair Nourishment using Amla

Soak Amla pieces in Water overnight .The water(In which amla Pieces were Soaked )is nourishing to hair and can be used for the last rinse while washing the hair.

Aanwla For Skin
It is helpful in making skin glow and prevents wrinkles and loosening of skin.

Amla has antibacterial properties and helps in preventing infections and healing ulcers. I t also helps in preventing skin infections.

Mix a spoon of amla powder and hot water to make a paste . Leave the paste for 15 minutes. Scrub your skin with the paste, and wash the paste off after 1-2 minutes.

Amla facial

Mix a spoonful of amla Powder into 1/4 cup water water. Massage the amla Paste into your skin and rinse it away in 3 - 5 minutes.

To Reduce Weight:
Amla also helps in improving body weight because it Fastens the metabolism Process.Eat 2 nos Fresh amla Daily for 30 will know the difference

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